Since lockdown at the end of March we had not been able to see our dental patients face to face. We have been here though, Monday – Friday to give advice or prescriptions to those patients in need. On Monday 8th June we were allowed to start seeing our dental patients face to face. There are still however certain measures the dental practice needs to put into place before we can start to offer all routine care.

We would like to thank our dental patients for their understanding during these un-presidential times. We are gradually getting back to some normality but we still have to make a few changes to our building and the way we work. These changes (especially structural ones) we’re sure you understand, do take time.

We have had some queries regarding Denplan payments over the last couple of months. Denplan is a way of budgeting for your dental care over a 12 month period instead of having to pay for any treatment you need all at once. Any treatment that had to be postponed we will be catching up on over the next few months. Remember if you have Denplan’s supplementary insurance you are also covered for any out of hour’s emergency care you may need.

Some dental patients have been worried as they haven’t been able to see our Dental Hygienists during this time. We understand and would like to assure you we are doing everything we can to get our Dental Hygienists back to work in a way that conforms to the guidelines they have been set and hope this will be in the next month. This service has been severely affected by these guidelines as although dentists can use their drills if they have the correct PPE & room settings to treat urgent care, dental hygienists cannot use their ultrasonic scalers as it is classed as routine care.

Take care & keep checking back for further updates

The team at Aigburth Dental Practice